
West point bridge designer 2016 cheap bridge file
West point bridge designer 2016 cheap bridge file

The contest provides students with a realistic introduction to engineering through an engaging, hands-on design experience. The West Point Bridge Design Contest is a nationwide Internet-based competition intended to promote math, science, and technology education in U.S. I think this is a tool for architecture students, based on the other comments.ĮDIT: I was wrong, it is a tool designed for a nation-wide competition, and is otherwise used for high school students as an introduction into structural engineering. If you have any ideas or suggestions for banner & background art, just send 'em our way.

  • Self-post discussions are more than welcome!.
  • If you need a gif made, be sure to visit /r/Makemeagif! Just pick your favorite scene from a video, someone will gif it, and you can post it here for easily digestible fun.
  • Effectively, if your submission pertains to something mundane that happens during standard gameplay it is not acceptable. If the game's engine is performing normally then your submission is NOT appropriate.
  • All submissions must either be glitches or demonstrate notable physics, either of the good variety or bad.
  • Released titles can be freely posted by other users but any further dev posts at this stage will be treated as advertisement and removed. You are required to indicate that the game is released in the comments, with proof provided. If your game is RELEASED, you may again only submit one post for this stage. Other users may not submit any posts of your WIP after this point either. If you are an indie developer with a WORK IN PROGRESS, you may only submit one post during that stage of development.
  • Please try to only submit Youtube, Imgur, or Gfycat links otherwise your post might get caught in the spam filter.
  • x-posts are allowed, but please tag it with.
  • If you're unsure if something's already been posted, search for the game name in the search bar.
  • Don't repost something if it's been posted within the last 2 months.
  • #West point bridge designer 2016 cheap bridge file mods#

  • If you report a link, please message the mods a link to the comments section as well as the reason you reported the link.
  • No generic highlights of something cool done in game.
  • Post the game's name in at the beginning of your title.
  • Please note: Submissions do not necessarily have to be physics related, but please check the top posts to understand the spirit of the subreddit. This means games with up and coming tech and games that are glitching out in hilarious ways. A subreddit for game engines at their best and worst.

    West point bridge designer 2016 cheap bridge file